Lord Lieutenant visits Joy Farms on Surrey Day

Lord-Lieutenant of Surrey Mr More-Molyneux at Joy Farms

On Saturday the 7th of May 2022, as part of the Surrey Day celebrations, HM Lord-Lieutenant of Surrey - Mr More-Molyneux, his wife and grandaughter visited the craft, woodcarving and art hub at Joy Farms.

They were accompanied by Tracy Carroll from Visit Surrey and Local Food Britain.
Adrian and Sarah Joy gave Mr and Mrs More-Molyneux a tour of the craft Studio and the campfire copse area. They both took a keen interest in the crafts courses business and history of the farm and how it has diversified since Adrian’s grandfather bought the farm in 1948.

During the visit, Adrian and Sarah Joy presented Mr & Mrs More-Molyneux with a pair of walnut salad servers hand carved by Adrian and decorated by Sarah using a method called Pyrography.

Hand carved wooden salad servers to commemorate Surrey Day

The Lord-Lieutenant takes part in some crafts

During their visit, Adrian demonstrated part of one of the Introduction to wood carving courses offered at the farm. The Lord-Lieutenant then took part, in forming a wooden spatula using a Shave horse. He created some fine curls of wood in the process.

The Lord-Lieutenant of Surrey woodcarving at Joy Farms
The Lord-Lieutenant of Surrey Botanical art printing at Joy Farms

Connecting with nature

As part of the tour Mr and Mrs More-Molyneux and their grandaughter also participated in some Botanical mono-printing - one of the upcoming courses here at Joy Farms - taught by one of the guest teachers - Ellie Green from Surrey Art School.

The created a number of stunning prints using leaves and feathers foraged from the farm.


Sarah and I very much enjoyed visiting Joy Farms Crafts and trying a taster of some of the courses. It’s such a lovely setting for spending time learning a variety of crafts whilst surrounded by nature, and we wish them every success.

Lord-Lieutenant Mr More-Molyneux, 7th May 2022

Find out about the upcoming courses here at Joy Farms, including: Woodcarving, spoon carving, art, basket weaving to flower arranging and wreath making.


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